Diamond Blue Financial Services

Tools & Calculators

Assess a range of useful tools and calculators on this page.


DBFS Client Budget Calculator (113.21 KB)

 Use this calculator to work out funds you have available once your living expenses are taken out of your income.


Find My Super

 Use this link from Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to search for your lost superannuation money.



The information in these tools is of general nature only and does not constitute a binding quote or offer. The use of these tools is not intended to replace professional advice. To the maximum extent permitted by law, under no circumstances will EFDB Pty Ltd and its related companies be liable for any loss or damage caused by a user's reliance on information obtained by using these tools.

EFDB Pty Ltd | Sydney CBD | Northern Beaches | ABN 64 112 871 922 | AFSL 311720